Науково-практичний гурток

Світова спільнота вже відверто починає говорити про велику війну в Європі, але давайте будемо чесними: війна почалася давно; просто українці так добре тримали лінію оборони. Європа вже два роки спить спокійно. Але… українці втомилися; багато мертвих; багато хто покалічений; людські ресурси українців не безмежні. І розуміння того, що російський агресор уже наближається до Європи, має зростати з кожним днем.

Кожен у світі повинен розуміти: Росія не зупиниться на Україні, і навіть найсильніша армія слабшає, якщо її системно не підтримувати.

Моральний дух слабшає від розуміння того, що брати-поляки, яких українці люблять і поважають усім серцем, блокують кордони і кличуть Путіна. Чи польська влада не бачила на прикладі України, чим можуть закінчитися подібні заклики?

Сипле українське зерно на землю. Виникає питання: чи знають польські фермери, як важко вирощувати зерно під кулями чи бомбами, коли підривають дамби (наприклад, як акти екоциду — підрив Каховської ГЕС)????.

Важко зрозуміти, що лінія фронту рухається в бік України, скупчення російської армії, чисельність військ… і мовчання Європи, зневага українців за кордоном, розмови про велику політику — це все нерозуміння чи повна байдужість. на долю світу, тому що Росія – це чисте зло, яке продовжує рости, поширюватися і нищити все добре і живе навколо себе.

Окремо хотів би порушити тему російської пропаганди і запитати, чи світ розуміє фейкові новини та інформаційні війни не в теорії, а на практиці. Російська пропаганда всіма силами намагається посварити Україну з Європою, очорнити український народ, посіяти недовіру та неприязнь до українців у світі. Бо разом ми сильніші, а російський диктатор намагається застосувати принцип римського полководця і державного діяча Юлія Цезаря: розділяй і володарюй! Знищивши українців, дуже легко буде йти далі і знищувати всі народи світу, але частина Європи досі цього не може зрозуміти! Всі розуміють, що РФ розмістила на кордоні з Україною 48 комплексів мобільних балістичних ракет малої дальності «Іскандер» для бомбардування мирних міст і мирних жителів?

Зовнішньо політична ситуація у світі сьогодні, безсумнівно, складна. Але кожен має розуміти, що без допомоги та підтримки війна завтра прийде на поріг домівок у Європі, де б ти не жив. Зло не має кордонів, зло не має милосердя, і Росія є зла.

д-р Досенко Анжеліка

У мережі все частіше з’являються матеріали, що описують хвилі міграції українців до країн Європи та світу. Ймовірно, жителі країн, де проходять хвилі міграції, думають про бажання заробити гроші, лінь і небажання працювати. Звичайно, українці бувають різні, але я не виключаю подібних випадків. Але давайте візьмемо відсоток з України, чиї сім’ї вже два роки бачать війну – 

сім’ї, які втратили близьких: чоловіків, братів, батьків, матерів, сестер – тих, хто просто не має сил більше воювати, але вони намагалися зробити все, що від них зале

жало. Їм просто потрібно залишити свої домівки (якщо у них ще є), щоб спробувати почати нове життя в новому місці.

Сьогодні в Куп’янську загинули люди через те, що Росія обстріляла місто ракетами. Церква була зруйнована, а священик загинув. Що скажуть російські пропагандисти? Там була база НАТО, військовий об’єкт. Бо це в їхній звичці.

(Художник Андрій Магера)


Подивимося на ситуацію на українсько-польському кордоні, де заблоковані вантажівки з гуманітарною допомогою, медичним обладнанням, зерном, продуктами харчування. Поляки, маючи війну практично поруч, не розуміють труднощів і ризику приходу російської загарбницької армії, яка вбиває, ґвалтує, нищить і грабує. Більше того, самі польські протестувальники відкрито кажуть, що вартість їхнього протесту становить 500 злотих (офіційна валюта Польщі) на день. Ось тариф посполитого з народом, який щодня своїм життям рятує Європу від кривавої бійні. Ганьба польському народу!

Куп’янська обл

Наступним аргументом ганьби став загальновідомий факт затримання польськими правоохоронцями журналіста Михайла Ткача неподалік від польсько-білоруського кордону. Журналіст знімав матеріали про транзит продуктів між Польщею, Росією та Білоруссю. Нагадаю: ці країни перебувають під низкою жорстоких санкцій. Тож виникає питання: на кого і на кого поширюються ці санкції, якщо їх можна обійти?


Куди дивиться світова спільнота і чому подібне відбувається в цивілізованій Європі? Європа, яка вимагає від України реформ і відмовляється від вступу до НАТО, апелює до необхідності дотримання законодавчих механізмів для досягнення європейського рівня. Так що це за рівень????

Хочу підкреслити, що Росія є країною-агресором, яка не готова йти на домовленості лише для того, щоб їх порушити. Нагадаємо, Росія порушила близько 400 міжнародних договорів, учасником одного з яких є Україна. Це відбувається з 2014 року і відбувається донині; просто подивіться на історію. Зокрема, варто згадати: Будапештський меморандум, Статут ООН, низку конвенцій ООН, Гельсінські угоди.


д-р  Досенко Анжеліка

На мою думку, президентські вибори 2024 року в Росії є надзвичайно важливим питанням для всього українського суспільства. Після повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну 24 лютого 2022 року дві країни втратили всі відносини одна з одною. Жорстока війна, численні воєнні злочини та масштабні руйнування з боку Росії залишили великий слід в історії України.

По-перше, значна частина українців дуже сумнівно і обережно ставляться до виборів у Росії. Сама недовіра сформована не лише війною, а й тривалим авторитарним правлінням, маніпуляціями влади та навіть смертельним шантажем. І, звичайно, цей «метод управління» активно використовувався під час кожного виборчого процесу в Росії. Багато хто впевнений, що результати виборів були сфальсифіковані, а «приз» дістався тому, хто організував так звані «вибори без вибору» і під дулами зброї змусив людей обирати його кандидатуру, і цією людиною є Володимир Путін.

По-друге, я вважаю, що деякі українці розглядали вибори як певну, хоч і малоймовірну, можливість для нормальної трансформації влади та змін у самій Росії. Деякі українці сподівалися, що російський народ буде вмотивований українською боротьбою проти авторитарного режиму і зможе скористатись можливістю для демократичних перетворень. На жаль, магії не сталося. І маленькі надії українців не справдилися.

По-третє, я вважаю, що більшість українців переконана, що одних тільки виборів недостатньо для реальних змін у країні-агресорі. Потрібні внутрішні, демократичні реформи в усіх сферах — політичній, економічній, ідеологічній — а також повне суспільне визнання та покарання винних у цій війні проти України. Тільки з такими радикальними рішеннями можна сподіватися на перетворення Росії в демократичну країну, яка думає в першу чергу про свій народ. Але це малоймовірно…

Таким чином, ставлення українців до президентських виборів 2024 року в Росії можна охарактеризувати глибокою недовірою та власною впевненістю в тому, що ці вибори не дадуть жодного результату. Можливо, лише завдяки радикальним заходам з боку російського народу може бути хоч якась надія на те, що в цій країні щось зміниться. Але ця надія навряд чи здійсниться.


Поляна Рачківка – студентка другого курсу факультету журналістики Таврійського національного університету імені В. І. Вернадського. 

The war in Ukraine has been going on for 10 years, from the beginning of the annexation of Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk in 2014 to the full-scale invasion in 2022. This time is very difficult for Ukrainians. The most important weapon we have is people, both military and civilian. The Russian information war is very clearly and quickly fighting against the spirit of the Ukrainian people. But the enemies turned out to be not only those who illegally encroach on the sovereign borders of the state.

Information Warfare and Its Impact On Ukrainians

For Ukrainians, the war has become a common topic for discussion. But one should pay attention only to what is happening on the battlefield. The most effective attack from the Russian Federation is an information war in the mass media. This war is waged using various methods, such as propaganda, cyberattacks, and disinformation. Modern man is chained to social networks, and despite bans on the use of Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook, and other networks in Russia, we can often see their users there. Of course, there would be nothing wrong with this if it were not for their propaganda. Russian users will always find a moment to publish a short post to undermine Ukrainians’ trust in the authorities. Russian propaganda is trying to demoralize Ukrainians by spreading fear, panic, and hopelessness. It is also used to justify aggression against Ukraine, creating its image as a hostile and dangerous state. Let’s take as an example what they write about the problems of Ukrainians and the deaths of civilians from Russian attacks. Allegedly, the Ukrainians provoke aggression, and the Russian Federation only destroys military facilities. But if you find reliable information about the loss of ordinary civilians in Ukraine, it shows that from February 24, 2022, to September 24, 2023, OHCHR recorded 9,701 dead and 17,748 wounded.

The War On the Borders of Ukraine and Why the Situation Is Becoming More Difficult

From 2014 to 2022, the Ukrainian people really demonstrated exemplary unity and compassion by providing massive aid to the territories occupied by the Russian Federation. Volunteers, activists, and ordinary people collected and handed over humanitarian aid, food, clothes, medicines, and children’s items. Ukrainian defenders defended the country’s freedom and sovereignty in Donbas at the cost of their lives. After 8 years of occupation of the three territories, a full-scale war began, due to which many Ukrainians left Ukraine. Of course, this hit the economy hard, and there were also not enough people to mobilize for the defense of the country. The first reason for Ukraine’s difficult situation in this war is the population. As of 2021, the country’s population was more than 43.79 million people, and the Russian Federation’s population was 143.4 million. This is where the first difficulty in Ukraine’s defense appears. The second difficulty arises from the fact that it is not possible to quickly find partners who are ready to help in this war. The key providers of military aid were the USA, Germany, Great Britain, the EU, and Norway, and the EU, the USA, Great Britain, Japan, and Norway were the key providers of financial aid. Turkey, Kazakhstan, Poland, and other countries also help with military equipment and monetary aid, but we should not close our eyes to the fact that countries such as Turkey and Kazakhstan also help the occupying country. And Poland, in its turn, not once, based on its own principles, closes its borders both for the supply of products and for ordinary people who want to cross the border. The situation on Ukraine’s borders remains tense. Russia continues to build up its military presence near Ukraine’s borders, drawing in troops, tanks, artillery, and other military equipment, giving it the opportunity to consider the occupation of larger territories.

Photo: Screenshot (Deep State)

“Brothers-countries”. Poland showed its friendliness to Ukrainians and how the USA “feeds” Ukraine with promises.

Photo: European truth

Considering the problems in the country, inequalities on the battlefield, of course the president of Ukraine expects help from allied countries. Poland helped a lot, from the start of the full-scale invasion until 2023. But from the beginning of 2024, Poland began to defend its interests and close its borders. There was a question about the ban on the transportation of grain and other Ukrainian products across Polish borders. They also raised the issue of assistance to Ukrainian refugees in Poland itself. Despite the worsening of relations between Poland and Ukraine, the Ukrainian people are grateful for the great and much-needed help at the beginning of the war. Poland is not the only country that shows its superiority over Ukraine. Back in 2023, the USA promised President Volodymyr Zelensky to provide assistance with F-16 aircraft. With these weapons, Ukraine would have taken control of the situation in the occupied territories and would have been able to improve the state of the borders.

Photo: Militarnyi

On February 17, 2024, the United States planned to train 12 Ukrainian F-16 pilots in the current fiscal year. This was reported by the publication Air & Space Forces with reference to a representative of the Air Force of the US National Guard.

Eight of those pilots are currently in training, with four more scheduled to be trained by the end of FY2024.

“It’s a very standardized training program that involves many countries, including the United States, who are trained here in the United States, and the English language training that precedes the tactical training,” a US defense official said. At the moment, the situation remains stable, Ukrainian pilots are still being trained to fly the F-16, and the transfer of aid is generally postponed until the summer. Ukraine really depends not only on the help of foreign partners, but also on its own stability, unity, and will to win. Without the unity and joint efforts of Ukrainians, the war can be lost. Ukrainians have already demonstrated incredible resilience and fortitude in the face of brutal aggression. This unity and steadfastness are key factors in confronting the enemy. The unity and activity of Ukrainians at the front and in the rear significantly increase the effectiveness of any help from outside. History shows that many nations have won victory over a stronger enemy through unity and self-sacrifice. Even a small but united group of people can do much more than a scattered crowd. Let us remember that the strength of Ukraine lies in the unity of its people! Together, we will be able to defeat any enemy, protect our land, and build a happy future for Ukraine. We believe in Ukraine! We believe in the Armed Forces! We believe in our victory!


Secretova Anastasia

is a first-year student in the Journalism Department at V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. 

This is an article about the sketches of a soldier about how cities in the Donetsk region defended themselves: Zaitseve and Horlivka.

Dolar, also known as Bucks, formerly a simple soldier and now a senior sergeant, told the story about loyal comrades Lyokha, Til, and Kolya, as well as the attack on Horlivka, where the Russians took cover with a gas pipe.

2018 year. Zaitseve Donetsk region.

“Til and Lyokha”. Photo author: Military Armed Forces.

Photo author: the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

I took him (a dog nicknamed Lyokha) to fight with me in Zaitsevo when he was only a puppy of three months. I returned from the war, but he didn’t. He was still adjusting to the explosions. And Colin is a dog, Til… He was ready for anything, but as soon as they started shooting, he got very scared and started to run away.

And how I lost my Lyokha. Two months later, the police brought him to my home in Zaitsev. I didn’t even know about it. I was in mortars. The house next to us was completely filled with mines to the ceiling. And if they got there, they would kill us all. And that puppy she got from Kolya, Lyokha’s friend, was red-haired and had a short tail…

Lyokha was better. He rushed into battle. He always went ahead of us. But as soon as the fight began, the dog began to have hysterics. He was scared, and he ran away as soon as he heard the click of the shutter. Lyokha already knew that this sound would do no good.

2018 year. Gorlovka Donetsk region.

My first fight. In 2018, our task was to maintain our position. We were constantly stormed by divergence. She covered herself with a gas pipe. It was impossible to shoot at it or even in its direction, because if you shoot there, then the whole of Horlivka will run out of gas. They shoot at us, and we can open fire only with small arms —automatic weapons, machine guns— and nothing else. They buried their positions right under the gas pipes. Specially.

And you know how scary it was when I came under fire for the first time… They hit me with machine guns, my Sich. It was 650 meters away from 0. Our task was to meet the DRG (sabotage-reconnaissance group). I was 20 years old then. When they fired machine guns with a thermal imager, I was praying to God. Simply raising your head results in instant death. And you understand that if it touches your head even a little bit, that’s all… You’ve been killed.

Yarik was then killed. He was 19 years old. The old man, Khoma, blew himself up on a mine. We shared one suhpai (meals for military). Everything was shared! Even when Svarshchik fell into an oak landing, when we left Sichi, there was a rotation, and we were hit with machine guns from three sides. You have no idea what it’s like to be shot at by machine guns from three sides when trees break and fall in front of you. How scary it was. And when you run, you get short of breath. When such a state occurs in your soul that you just want to save yourself, you just fall into a pit. But there is Svarshchik, Vladik… He is absolutely not my friend. He says, “That’s it; I’m not going anywhere! Leave me!” And you approach him and shout, “Go! Because I will shoot you right here! We have to get out of here! Otherwise, we will lie down here with you.” And everything is tearing around you… The earth is torn apart. You know that there is a hole 30 meters away that you can jump into to catch your breath. However, you still have to drag the welder along with you. You’re wearing a bulletproof vest, a helmet, and a machine gun. You leave Sichi, which is under fire from machine gunners and snipers.

They didn’t touch us at first, but as soon as we changed. All of us were children aged 19–20 who wanted to play cards with their friends in the evening. And here, you have to kill. And when they come after you, they understand that Sarshchik abandoned you. He ran away. He does not know what to do, because he could not shoot a living person. And they all go with white armbands. How terrible it is to shoot a person at the age of 20! And you understand: if you don’t shoot him, he will shoot you. He will not spare you…

After that, it was no longer scary to kill. You understand that it should be this way.

Our hell has been here for 10 years already… It got stronger, but we are still here…

Elizaveta Khalupenko

We have all heard about the sensational new mobilization law in Ukraine. For those who haven’t seen it yet, I’ll tell you briefly: On April 16, 2024, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyi, signed Law No. 3633, “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Regarding Certain Issues of Military Service, Mobilization, and Military Registration,” which significantly changes the rules of mobilization in the country during martial law.

The law expands the list of people subject to mobilization. It provides for the lowering of the conscription age to 25 years and the abolition of the system of conscription. It is important to note that the reduction of the maximum conscription age from 27 to 25 years was regulated by draft law No. 9281. It was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada (the unicameral parliament of Ukraine) in June 2023, but the president signed it in early April 2024. Also, now it can involve not only men of military age, but also women who have the appropriate skills and experience. All conscripts, regardless of their age and gender, are required to update their data at military commissariats within 60 days from the date of entry into force of the law. Those who fail to do so may be fined.It is important to note that the new law on mobilization has not yet entered into force. It will go into effect one month after its official publication in the Verkhovna Rada. This is expected to happen on May 18, 2024.On the one hand, there is a slowdown in the pace of progress at the front, which indicates the need to recruit new forces. On the other hand, when adopting a new law on mobilization, the question of demobilization should not be neglected. Fighters who continuously defend our country need rest and rehabilitation. Their physical and psychological health is a critical factor in a more effective defense.It is critical to strike a balance between mobilization and demobilization in order to ensure the troops’ continuous combat capability as well as the health and lives of our defenders. Several main criteria must be taken into account:          

• It is necessary to clearly define the criteria by which new forces will be mobilized. This will help to avoid injustice and the recruitment of people who are not ready for combat for physical or psychological reasons.

• It is necessary to develop a transparent and clear system of demobilization, which will be based on objective criteria, such as length of service at the front, state of health, family circumstances, etc.

Neglecting these points can have devastating consequences for Ukrainian society and the state. Ignoring the needs of fighters who are constantly risking their lives and health, as well as ordinary civilians who are waiting for their husbands, sons, brothers, daughters, and the like, can lead to a loss of trust in the authorities, an increase in social tension, and, ultimately, an explosion of discontent. Civil unrest in the conditions of war is not only unbeneficial but also dangerous for the existence of the country. Disheartened and demotivated people will not be able to effectively resist the enemy. Therefore, it is very important to find a balance between these things. It is important not only to lower the conscription age but also to actively fight illegal evasion of mobilization. The more citizens deliberately avoid fulfilling their defense duty, the greater the burden falls on those who are responsible for the defense of the Motherland. This is unfair and harmful for the whole country. The defense of Ukraine is a common cause. Each of us can contribute to the victory by supporting our defenders in different ways. Let’s remember that only through joint efforts will we be able to defeat the enemy and rebuild a peaceful and prosperous Ukraine.


Secretova Anastasia

is a first-year student in the Journalism Department at V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. 


The war in Ukraine has terrible consequences not only for Europe but also for the world. Every day, hundreds of chemicals are released into the atmosphere, which destroy nature and poison fresh water supplies when they get into the soil. Recently, Vladimir Putin began to threaten with nuclear weapons. I don’t think it’s worth detailing the consequences of a nuclear attack on Europe and Russia itself, but the Russians don’t care; they’re used to dying for nothing, but I’m sure that European citizens don’t want to die for Putin’s ambitions.

Therefore, now it is worth paying attention not only to the economic and historical plans of this war but also to the ecological one, which is reflected on the entire planet. Recently, I have been very interested in the whereabouts of our eco-activists, such as Greta Thumberg, who does not make calls to save the planet from a nuclear disaster, or where the eco-activists were when the Russian Federation blew up one of the largest water reservoirs in Ukraine, the Kakhovka Hydro-electric Station. On June 6, 2023, at 2:30 a.m., Russian troops blew up the Kakhovskaya HPP, which was mined by them at the end of February 2022. This act of terrorism disrupted the ecosystems of Ukraine and thereby caused unique consequences.

As the “Ukrainian Environmental Protection Group” notes, “Kakhov reservoir is the second largest reservoir in Ukraine (area: 2155 km²) and the first in terms of water volume (water volume: 18.19 km³), located in three regions of Ukraine (Zaporizka, Dnipropetrovsk, and Kherson), and has a length of 240 km. The water level of the Dnipro River was raised by 16 m with the construction of a hydroelectric station almost 4 km long. Therefore, the negative consequences of this terrorist act for wildlife will be manifested in an area of at least 5,000 km² (flooding zone and drainage zone). Only the area that has been covered by the waters of the reservoir for the last 68 years and is now exposed to the sky for at least years will be larger than 1000 km²!

Kakhov reservoir contained huge stocks of freshwater fish, which Ukraine lost: at the time of the terrorist attack, there were no less than 43 species of fish. The birds, along with the fish, will disappear. Important was the bird nesting process on the mounds in the reservoir’s center, which until now were isolated islands and can now get direct land access from predators and people. This also led to an eco-government. The impact on plant life after flooding is just as colossal. As a result of a catastrophic decrease in the water level in the reservoir, aquatic and coastal aquatic plants in the Kahovsky Reservoir will disappear.

Moreover, above the dam of the Kakhovskaya HPP, as a result of drainage, a number of nature conservation areas will also be affected, including at least 11 objects of the nature reserve fund. Here they are listed by ecologists and historians: Kamianska Sich (12,261.14 hectares); Velikiy Lug (16,756 hectares); Panay Regional Landscape Park; Cairo beam (664.9 hectares); Mai Gora tract (68.0 hectares); Kamensky forest massif; Ivanivsky Bir; Vodyansk kuchuguri; Stoyany (15 ha); Malokakhovsky Bir (177 ha); Park-monument of horticultural art: Arboretum of Kakhovsky forest farm (15 hectares).

Moreover, the territory that was flooded in whole or in part includes nine sites of the Emerald Network of Europe, created by the decisions of the Council of Europe from 2009 to 2020, which led to economic consequences. The loss of the natural features of these territories endangers Ukraine’s fulfillment of its obligations to preserve these territories for the whole of Europe, which is in the hands of the Russian Federation, in order to discredit Ukraine.

At the same time, we should not forget about the desalination of the Black Sea. The release of a large amount of fresh water changes the structure of the water in certain areas of the Black Sea and will lead to the following consequences: the extinction of fish and an increase in the number of jellyfish.

Blowing up the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Station is a terrorist attack not only against Ukraine or the European Union (EU), but a crime against humanity and our descendants. But… Russia has committed similar crimes more than once (for example, blowing up the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and concealing information about it). But we will raise this topic in our future posts.



Dr. Dosenko Anzhelika

Ph.D. of social communications, the head of the Journalism Department at V. I Vernadskiy Taurida National University. 

Every third Thursday of May is Embroidery Day, a special holiday for Ukrainians

Embroidery is a talisman, a symbol, a desire for freedom and love for the Motherland.

An embroidered shirt is a national garment that is in every Ukrainian’s closet, but you don’t need a special occasion to wear it. To kindergarten or school, to work or for a walk: you can honor your national identity every day. But it is on this holiday that you can see people wearing embroidered clothes on the streets, and on this day Ukrainians remember the rich history and culture of our nation, its unity and resilience.

Фото: uu.edu.ua


The history of Ukrainian embroidery is closely linked to the history of the Ukrainian people, their traditions, beliefs and goals. Each region of Ukraine has its own unique patterns that have been passed down through the centuries. Embroidery is a priceless treasure that we must protect and honor.

In recent years, Embroidery Day has taken on a different meaning, a deeper meaning brought on by the bloody war. Ukrainians who have fled their homes and are abroad also express their unity and patriotism by wearing embroidered shirts. Far from their homeland, Ukrainians do not forget about their traditions. While embroidered shirts used to be commonly seen in Ukrainian cities, from bustling Kyiv to small Kaniv, people wearing embroidered clothing can now be found walking the streets of Wroclaw, Munich, and other cities.

Ukrainians demonstrate their resilience and strong spirit every day, and Embroidery Day is another day when we remember who we are, where we come from, and where we are going.


Hluhovtsova Alina is a student in the Journalism Department at V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University.

One of the most important components of society is education, which is of great importance for every state and shapes the country’s future. Ukraine, being in a difficult war situation, is facing challenges in terms of its students’ education. This process is important not only from an economic and social point of view, but also for the security and future of the country.

Due to the war, students in Ukraine face numerous challenges and restrictions in their studies, whether it is shelling, alarms, or power outages due to a massive attack by the Energonovos, but still need support and assistance in the face of war to enable them to receive a quality education. First and foremost, security becomes a priority, as universities and other educational institutions may be occupied or threatened by terrorist attacks. This creates stress and anxiety for students, which can negatively affect their academic success.

War leads to economic hardship, which also affects the educational process. Many students may lose the ability to pay for their education, or their families may be forced to spend money on living and security instead of education. This can lead to an increase in dropout rates and a decrease in the quality of education in general.

In times of war, access to quality education can be very limited. Schools and universities may be destroyed or seized, and teachers and professors may be forced to leave their jobs and hometowns. This can make it much more difficult for students to get an education, affecting their level of education.

At the moment, many competent teachers have gone abroad, but they continue to do their best to keep students learning. But we should not forget that those teachers who remain in Ukraine are doing a titanic job to ensure that students can understand the material they are teaching. Before the war, Ukrainian education was one of the best in Europe, but it has been shaken by Russia’s aggression. We should never forget that Ukraine and its education are like phoenixes rising from the ashes of war.

Undoubtedly, war affects the psychological state of students and teachers, their social development, and their academic achievements. However, it is important to note that investing in education during war is one of the key aspects of building the country’s future. By providing better university education in times of war, Ukraine can ensure that it has competitive professionals in the future who will be able to contribute to the country’s development and change it for the better.

This can be achieved through distance learning, but unfortunately it does not always work, so we should remember to turn to the organization of psychological support for students who have experienced stressful situations, as well as the creation of special programs and scholarships for students in difficult circumstances.

Nowadays, it is important to consider the education of students in Ukraine during the war as a strategic task that requires a comprehensive approach and support from the government, civil society, and international partners. Only by providing access to quality education during the war will Ukraine be able to prepare its young people for future challenges and opportunities. The government and various educational organizations should pay special attention to education in times of war and do everything possible to ensure the safety of students, maintain the quality of education, and ensure that they have the opportunity to gain the necessary knowledge. This is the only way to pave the way for a brighter future for the country and preserve the development of education in times of war.


Horbenko Alina is a student in the Journalism Department at V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University.

A fake in the 21st century is a phenomenon that in the short term can lead to negative consequences: the emergence of foci of social tension and destabilization of the socio-political situation both in a separate region and in the state as a whole. Long-term use of methods of disseminating false information can lead to the discrediting of the country in the international arena, a change in the worldview and beliefs of citizens, and the formation of a national idea in a favorable spectrum for a certain person or group of persons.

Hundreds of years of wars, conflicts, and interstate clashes have changed the state of affairs, views, organizations, and positions of the world community. Scientific and technical progress, which does not stop for a moment, is a characteristic feature of both modern times and those relatively distant times. This phenomenon is accompanied by the rapid development of both information technologies used in everyday life and technical discoveries at the international level, in particular, in foreign policy.

A comprehensive study of such a factor as a fake provides invaluable experience that can be used and needed not only in scientific circles but also in other, more practical areas—for example, specialists in modern foreign policy for the introduction of anti-fakes into circulation and global countermeasures against information threats.

Examining the fake phenomenon in modern literature will allow us to better understand its anatomy and trace all the negative factors to which this phenomenon leads Ukraine and the world. That is why the issue of the spread of fake news in the context of media literacy, and especially media safety, is significant and relevant for research, since today we observe, and sometimes really feel, the impact of false information and the consequences of the pollution of the infospace.

Fakes are different in form, methods of transmission, and content, so it became necessary to classify them. According to the method of distribution, fakes are divided into mass media rumors (which are created specifically for the media and spread through them) and network rumors (when someone’s fiction is spread through social networks). The forms of fakes include photo fakes, video fakes, and deep fakes, among others.

Information is sometimes not only a speculator but also a powerful provocation, a convenient tool for inciting enmity and hatred. In this context, we are talking about Ukraine, because the Russian Federation is famous for its fake and absurd news. A classic example was the fake report of the 1st Russian TV channel about a boy allegedly crucified by soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but it could only appear because of a cynical propaganda campaign against Ukraine in the Russian media, as well as a direct order of such materials from higher authorities.

Also, the successes that confirm the effectiveness of Russian hybrid propaganda, in addition to the territory of Ukraine, include numerous reports and investigations by the special services of European countries and the United States regarding the effective interference of Russia in the presidential elections of Ukraine and the United States, the Brexit vote in Great Britain, the French presidential election, the referendum in the Netherlands regarding Ukraine’s accession to the Association between the European Union (EU) and Ukraine, and elections in other European countries.

At a time when the veracity of information risks becoming a new currency and the terms “media literacy” and “fact checking” have entered the usual lexicon for Ukrainians, the world is inventing more sophisticated ways of checking trust in modern media. How to distinguish true information from fake and resist disinformation? Researchers claim that if the user has taken a fake for the truth, then it often does not make sense to prove to him reliable information.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the concept of hybrid wars appears in military science, which describes modern warfare as a combination of conventional, irregular, and asymmetric methods, which includes the constant manipulation of political and ideological conflict. In such wars, economic blackmail, cyber attacks, proxy servers, terrorists, criminal elements, etc. are used, but a special place is occupied by information confrontation. It is the spread of fake news that puts the issue of media literacy and media safety at the highest level in national legislation and the international arena. Therefore, the media space today is a particularly vulnerable place. Every consumer should be aware of the harm of false information and be critical of any news, even if it seems completely true and adequate at first glance.


Valeria Derkach is a student pursuing a Master’s degree in Journalism at V.I. Vernadskyi Taura National University.


The war made significant changes in all spheres of Ukrainian life, and education was no exception. Despite the shelling and other challenges, teachers and students of education show incredible resilience and desire for knowledge.

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the educational process in Ukraine has undergone radical changes. Many schools were damaged or completely destroyed, and millions of children ended up abroad. However, teachers quickly adapted to the new conditions and transferred training to an online format.

Shelling of schools, lack of shelters, mining of territories—all this poses a threat to the life and health of students and teachers. With the transfer of schools and universities to the online mode, unfortunately, not all children have access to the Internet and the necessary equipment for this study.

At the same time, the war revealed positive aspects. Ukrainian society has united to support education. Many volunteers help schools with equipment, textbooks, and psychological support. The war accelerated the development of distance learning and other innovative educational technologies.

Despite all the difficulties, Ukrainian education continues to function. Teachers and students make every effort to gain quality knowledge and maintain a spiritual connection with Ukraine.

Education is an investment in the future. And Ukrainians prove that even in the most difficult conditions, they are ready to fight for their right to education and build a new, better Ukraine.


Secretova Anastasia

is a second-year student in the Journalism Department at V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. 

Photo Credit

Photo credit for all photos: Koshovenko Tvua.

Emotional burnout and fatigue are a constant companion of Ukrainians during the war. People face a stream of disturbing news, losses, and fear for their own lives and those of their loved ones.

It is important to realize that emotional burnout is not a weakness but a natural reaction to extreme circumstances.

It is a scientifically proven fact that a person who is constantly in danger subconsciously develops a feeling of anxiety, which is always with him. People try to be ready for any circumstances and plan actions in case of danger, but over time the body loses the ability to effectively cope with the load.

It affects various aspects of life: psychological state, physical health, relationships with loved ones, and ability to work.

Military personnel, volunteers, displaced persons, people in the rear—all face this problem.

Military personnel need special psychological support. Because every minute they risk their lives. Especially, they perceive the loss of their brothers painfully. It is our duty to support the soldiers. They do everything to keep us alive.

In the conditions of war, it is extremely important to take care of your emotional and physical health, because only by maintaining inner strength can you effectively help others and continue your struggle.

Re-energizing and taking care of yourself is not a weakness but rather a foundation for long-term resilience. The better you support yourself, the more strength you will have to help loved ones and contribute to the overall victory.


Sapel Anastasiia

is a third-year student in the Journalism Department at V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. 


Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine has been going on for over two years, mercilessly testing the strength of Ukrainians. Constant shelling, including nighttime attacks by Shahed drones, has become a terrible challenge for every citizen. How can you live, work, and study when a threat is constantly hanging over your head?

  • Psychological consequences of war

Two years of war left a deep mark on the souls of Ukrainians. Constant anxiety, fear for loved ones, and insomnia are only part of what people experience. Night attacks, even if they do not cause direct damage, make people panic and feel powerless. Every sound that resembles an explosion becomes a trigger that brings back terrible memories.

  • Learning during war: The impossible became possible

Schoolchildren and students are forced to combine studies with constant readiness for evacuation. How can you concentrate on your textbooks when you’ve spent the whole night in the basement listening to explosions? Children are not only afraid for themselves but also worry about their parents, who may find themselves in the firing zone. Such a situation leads to stress, sleep disturbances, reduced concentration of attention, and, as a result, poor performance.

Many Ukrainians believe in the help of the current US president, Donald Trump, due to his repeated promises.

“Russians and Ukrainians, I want them to stop dying. And I will do it within 24 hours,” said Trump.

“During a debate with voters in Manchester, Trump said that now is not the time to call the Russian president a war criminal.

“If you say that he is a war criminal, it will be much more difficult to make a deal to stop this thing (the war in Ukraine—ed.). If he is a war criminal, people will catch him and execute him; he will fight much harder than for other circumstances. This is something that can be discussed later” – TSN writes.

The war caused irreparable damage to Ukraine. But Ukrainians demonstrate incredible resilience and unity. We believe that together we will overcome all challenges and rebuild our country.


Secretova Anastasia

is a second-year student in the Journalism Department at V. I. Vernadsky Taurida National University. 

War is the worst thing that can happen in the civilized world. War is fear, pain, and despair. For more than two years, Ukrainians have been living with a constant feeling of fear.  It’s amplified by the sounds of air raids, explosions, shelling, and artillery salvos.  This activates the response to survival in the difficult conditions of wartime. The results of research by scientists at the medical school in Jerusalem show that during war, the reaction of the human psyche is different: from moderate and temporary stress to severe mental injuries that have negative consequences for health, including depression, abuse of psychotropic substances, and post-traumatic stress disorder. 

     Most of the people who survived the war gradually adapt to the new reality, recover, and some in response to stressful circumstances and events feel uplifted, as if they have a “second breath”. The impact of war on the human psyche increases the degree of understanding of the value of life. I was convinced of this by my own experience, when I survived the occupation of the territory of the Kyiv region by the Russian military. In our life before the war, we had physical, emotional, and cognitive fatigue.  However, we knew we had to rest and we would recover.  But, unfortunately, no one can rest from war, it continues.

     In order to reduce the impact of war on the psycho-emotional state, it is important to monitor one’s own well-being and mental balance. To improve your emotional health, you need to find time for motor activities (charging, jogging, swimming, etc.), engage in things that bring pleasure (hobbies). Also, hobbies help to avoid burnout; the main thing in this process is to learn to restore strength and recharge with energy. Sometimes it is enough to just sleep or read a good book, completely distancing yourself from the disturbing events of the war. Despite the sadness and feeling of emptiness, it is worth saying everything that hurts, trying to communicate more with people, because closing in on yourself has negative consequences for the body. You can write. Sometimes a silent text can say more than any words. 

     In the preface to the book “On the Western Front Without Changes”, Erich Maria Remarque wrote: “This is only an attempt to tell about the generation that was devastated by the war, about those who became its victims, although they escaped it.” The most important problem described by the author in the novel is the problem of psychological trauma, because the experience of war significantly affects a person’s mental state and radically changes his worldview.

     That is why today it’s so important to support each other, help others, and remember that in difficult wartime there are no strangers among Ukrainians. We are strong when united. And now we understand more than ever that we are one big family. Therefore, it’s necessary to understand that the level of psychological balance of society as a whole depends on the psychological balance of everyone.



Angelina Korchemna

is a first-year master’s student at the Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology and Journalism of the Taurida National University named after V.  I. Vernadsky.  


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